Monday, November 17, 2008

Thing 1 - Set up a Blog

I did it!!! I like it when things work. I wish I was eligible to win a prize but I think the real prize is going to be what I learn from going through this process. I'll be a bit ahead of everyone else (since I get to write the Things) but I think reading the posts is going to be eye-opening.

1/15 - thought I would add a link to Chris Brogan's 27 Blogging Secrets to Power Your Community. Great ideas for folks looking to increase their readership.


Bonnie_T said...

I had a very difficult time setting mine up. I kept getting a "page cannot be displayed" If my staff get that they will quit before they start the 23 things.

Chillita said...

Hi, Steph. I'm reading blogs after just starting my own. It was easy!